Tunstall Healthcare has signed a landmark agreement that will see a leading Chinese community care organisation, Lime Family, use its ground-breaking technology to connect thousands of elderly citizens.
ECHAlliance is able to create international business opportunities for our members, assisting the development of innovative and improved services for people. This is a win/win situation for providers, people and industry. There is huge scope for member to member collaboration. From simple purchasing, partnering and joint ventures through to opening up opportunities in new markets across China and the Commonwealth, said Brian O’Connor, Chair, ECHAlliance
Lime Family, which provides services and products to the elderly, has committed to a two-year pilot of Tunstall Healthcare’s Connected Health and Connect Care systems, which will be implemented in Beijing and Guangzhou and aim to connect up to 10,000 older people.
The agreement reinforces the company’s reputation as an international leader in technology-based assisted living products, including forming several partnerships in China during the past two years.
Tunstall Healthcare Australasia Managing Director Lyn Davies, who signed the pilot agreement with Lime Family CEO Sun Yi, said the deal highlighted the growing importance of technology for people with assisted care needs.
“Lime Family is one of the first community care organisations in China to deploy a Tunstall Connected Healthcare program to support their customers,” she said.
“This is a great partnership for both organisations.”

Sun Yi said Lime Family had selected Tunstall Healthcare as its technology partner because of its more than 60 years’ experience delivering aged and community care services enabled by technology.
“Working with Tunstall will enable Lime Family to develop a unique model of care in China, combining our traditional care services with the latest in health and social care technology,” she said.
Lime Family President Zhang Jingbo added: “Rather than spending a lot of time and money developing our own technology and systems, it made financial sense to partner with a mature provider such as Tunstall Healthcare.”
Lime Family connected with Tunstall Healthcare via the European Connected Health Alliance (ECHAlliance), of which both organisations are members.
ECHAlliance Chair Brian O’Connor Chair said: “We are delighted to have made the Member-to-Member introduction between Tunstall Healthcare and the Lime Family which enabled this agreement to be signed.”
Tunstall Healthcare are looking forward to a successful pilot period and are hopeful for what the future holds for connected care in the Chinese market.
For more, visit www.tunstallhealthcare.com.au
About Tunstall Healthcare
Founded in the UK almost 60 years ago, Tunstall Healthcare has operations in more than 50 countries, employs more than 3000 people and provides monitored assistive technology solutions that protect and empower millions of people around the world.
It opened its first Australian monitoring centre in Brisbane in 2001, with its Australasian operations now long-established managed service providers to government, retirement villages and community care organisations.
About Lime Family
Lime Family is a community care organisation, employing more than 1000 care professionals and delivering care through 200 service outlets in 15 cities across China.