MOWG (Medicine Optimisation Working Group) is inviting all experts in the topic of polypharmacy to join Jana Lass from Estonia and her colleagues in MOWG in preparing the scenario for the first of the MOWG videos.
In October 2019 ECHAlliance will publish the first in the series of four videos. The first video will explain the current state of affairs in the are of Polypharmacy. The next videos will consequently deal with Transitions of Care, Adherence and Systems of Care (+digital prescribing). These topics are aligned with the WHO 3rd Global Patients Challenge “Medication Without Harm”.
Experts who join will work together with the existing MOWG team. The preparation of the Polypharmacy scenario is already proceeding and is planned to finish at the end of August. MOWG is a voluntary group of experts in the area of medicine optimisation, medication management, pharmacology, pharmacy, and similar. The group has been meeting since 2014 and has been chaired by Prof. Dr. Michael Scott. The MOWG coordinator is Gregor Cuzak, who is also the contact person of all things related, write to