On Friday 28th May the first in the series of Thematic Innovation Ecosystem on Digital Health and Wellbeing took place led by the Scottish Ecosystem and HealthDay.Si Slovenian Ecosystem.
From Scotland, we heard about the impact of COVID-19 on the national roll out of technology enabled care from Dr Margaret Whoriskey, Head of Technology Enabled Care and Digital Healthcare Innovation, Digital Health and Care Directorate, Scottish Government, drawing on a specific example from the work on Remote Health Pathways led by Morag Hearty and Scott Henderson, National Strategic Leads, Remote Health Pathways, Technology Enabled Care (TEC), Scottish Government.
From Slovenia, we heard about how the expansion of digital health is being managed and integrated into routine service pathways from Gregor Cuzak Healthday.si Slovenian Ecosystem and International Ecosystem Coordinator ECHAlliance.
In September 2021 the second ecosystem session on the Digital Health and Care response to COVID-19 will consider the role of digital health and care in policy and strategy frameworks, and in remobilisation and renewal planning.
You can view the video here: