Reducing inequalities, social exclusion and discrimination in Europe are among top EU priorities. By exploring new forms of innovation, strengthening the evidence base and engaging citizens, research is a powerful tool to address these challenges. Horizon2020 funding programme supports projects working on new solutions in this area via its Societal Challenge 6 ‘Europe in a changing world: Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies’. The challenge is dedicated, among other topics, to innovating public sector in a context of unprecedented transformations and growing global interdependencies.
ICT-enabled public sector modernisation is one of the key priorities of the Societal Challenge 6. The open government paradigm composed of three axes – open data, open services and open process – is at the heart of this effort.
The EU is supporting projects working on these three priorities.
So far, ICT-enabled projects have received over €110 million in EU funds to advance the public sector innovation. Projects funded in 2014 and 2015 focused on developing open, reusable service components and stimulating the use of open data, thus helping to shift to an open, digitally-driven collaborative public administration that is ready for the 21st century challenges.
In the 2016-2017 period, 13 projects received nearly €49 million EU funding via four calls for proposals and two research and innovation topics supporting ICT–based solutions for migration and transformation of governance in 2018 have backed six more projects with €21 million in EU funds.
These projects will have an impact on the public service provision, boost public engagement and enable evidence-based decision-making. Take a look at the detailed description of each of these projects in this new brochure.ContactCNECT H4: eGovernment & Trust
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