
Launching Moxiam+: the digital companion for an active and independent senior lifestyle

Published on: 16/05/2024

Launching Moxiam+: the digital companion for an active and independent senior lifestyle

Embark on a journey with Sweden-based Moxiam, the vanguard of digital health innovation dedicated to enriching the lives of seniors. Moxiam leverages cutting-edge technology to empower seniors with independence, dignity, and enhanced quality of life. Dive into our ethos of collaborative product development and explore our MoxiamFamily suite of senior-centric solutions designed for connectivity and safety. Join us as we launch Moxiam+ and redefine healthy aging together.

Digital Health Solutions
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Moxiam’s vision

Moxiam was founded with the aspiration for all of us to age healthily and happily. We are blessed to live much longer and in better health than our previous two generations, providing us with many silver years to continue our independent and active lifestyle for on average two decades after our retirement. Soon, the 65+ generation will represent almost one-third of our societies and many of us will live alone during our senior days. While with age we may need increasingly more support and care, we also want to remain in control of our own life, independence, and privacy. 

Founders Orvar Hurtig and Ulf Ivarsson during the 2022 launch of MoxiamHome.

At Moxiam, we are driven by always striking the right balance between independence and support for us seniors. Fuelled by this core belief, Ulf Ivarsson and Orvar Hurtig founded Moxiam, created a passionate team around them and launched their first product of the MoxiamFamily suite of services, MoxiamHome, onto the European markets in 2022.

Introducing the MoxiamFamily

Many of us live alone and enjoy an active and independent lifestyle. Every now and then we wonder who would know if something were to happen to us unexpectedly, and how we can get help in those circumstances. MoxiamFamily is designed to do exactly that. And it allows you to scale up and down depending on your future needs and wishes.

MoxiamHome – the MoxiamFamily flagship

MoxiamHome employs a smart system of sensors and a central hub to understand and adjust to your unique lifestyle and daily habits, guaranteeing smooth and effortless functioning tailored just for you. Once set up, it interprets your usual patterns within your home, sending timely insights and notifications directly to your app, so you’re always in the loop. Subsequently, you as senior can decide who from your loved ones (informal carers) will also have access to the app for enhanced connectivity and safety. For more details on MoxiamHome, please visit: 

Crafted by seniors for seniors

Moxiam embraces a vision of independence coupled with compassionate care, placing seniors at the forefront of our mission while empowering them to maintain control over their lives. We engage directly with seniors, valuing their input and insights. In our commitment to collaboration, we have established senior focus groups across the Nordics and the BeNeLux regions. These groups, comprising both Moxiam users and non-users, serve as invaluable sources of feedback, guiding the refinement of existing products and the co-creation of innovative solutions tailored specifically for seniors, by seniors.

Through dialogue with these focus groups, encompassing discussions on fears and needs, a clear desire emerged for the development of the MoxiamFamily suite—a comprehensive set of solutions designed to facilitate connectivity and empathic care in a user-friendly, digital format. Recognizing that seniors’ priorities evolve along the path of healthy aging, our approach allows them to seamlessly transition to more comprehensive solutions as their focus shifts from independence and connectivity towards other aspects such as support, care, and enhanced safety. This collaborative process has culminated in the launch of  Moxiam & Moxiam+ solution as the simple, low-cost and easy-to-use step-in product into our suite of services under the MoxiamFamily umbrella.

Launching the step-in solution Moxiam & Moxiam+ 

The Moxiam app transforms your smartphone into your digital companion for an active and independent lifestyle without the need for hardware installations at your home. It is based on the functions already present in your phone. There is nothing you need to do other than to just live your life.

How it works


“Moxiam+: your hassle-free digital companion”

When you need supportYou can give access to your Moxiam app to one person you trust. If you for example have fallen at night and can no longer get up nor reach your phone, the Moxiam app shows that you have not yet picked up your phone that morning allowing the person you trust to take action on your behalf. Alternatively, if you can still reach your phone you can easily alarm them with the push of one button in the app. For more details on Moxiam & Moxiam+, please visit: 

Moxiam & Moxiam+ launch offerThe Moxiam app is free and allows you to share your information with one person you trust. Do you want more beloved ones to have access and do you want to be the very first to get all of Moxiam’s new digital features in the future? Then you can easily scale up to Moxiam+ within the Moxiam app itself for only EUR 2.49 per month. During our 2024 launch, all Moxiam users will get a free upgrade to Moxiam+ for the first 3 months. Learn how to install the Moxiam app in this video here.

Installing Moxiam & Moxiam+: easy as 1-2-3

Get your Moxiam & Moxiam+ solution in three simple stepsMoxiam is all about you and your lifestyle without any hassle:

  1. Download the Moxiam app on your phone
  2. Register your account with your own lifestyle settings
  3. Invite one (Moxiam) or more (Moxiam+) beloved ones to your Moxiam app

Discover more about Moxiam:

At Moxiam we believe in a world of  independence with empathic care  for our seniors.  Our user-centric digital solutions aim to improve  everyday life for both seniors and  carers, allowing you to always be present: fully engaged when you are  together, and almost there when  you are apart.  After having launched MoxiamHome, a hybrid (digital and hardware) care support solution for seniors living independently alone in 2022, Sweden-based Moxiam is now adding Moxiam+ to its MoxiamFamily suite of services: a fully digital companion, specifically designed by and for seniors. Welcome to our world!


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