On the one hand, on the 30th of May, the pilot of the AquaTime project officially started in the Residential Centre “Los Pinos” (Plasencia). AquaTime is a digitalised platform that controls fluid intake by monitoring data. The aim of the implementation is to evaluate the functionality of the AquaTime tool to prevent dehydration in elderly people with cognitive impairment over a period of two months.
On the other hand, a Project Steering Committee Meeting of the European ESSENCE project was held on 9 and 10 June. Some consortium partners attended online and others in person to discuss important issues for the implementation of the pilot study with sixty users in Extremadura. It was also an opportunity to inform all the partners about the latest results and to identify the next steps.
Discover more about FundeSalud:
The Foundation for Research and Training of Health Professionals of Extremadura (FUNDESALUD) is a foundation of the Public Health System Extremadura nonprofit and for general interest attached to the Ministry of Health and Social Policy of the Government of Extremadura.