Initiative to encourage economic co-operation with the European regions of Baden Württemberg, Brittany and Flanders.
The Welsh Government’s Programme for Government stresses the importance of giving Wales the strongest possible presence on the World stage and commits to ‘closer economic and research ties with the EU’. Co-operation activity with other nations and regions adds value to economic development in Wales by enabling partners to scale up activity, achieve critical mass and increase profile. Joint working provides scope to exchange ideas and best practice, to extend innovation and competitiveness and to tackle key issues which transcend borders. We want “an Agile Cymru” that looks outward to existing and future UK, European and international partners, to maximise shared opportunities and address our shared challenges.
Participation in Horizon Europe provides a major opportunity for Wales to remain active and influential as an international partner, increasing our attractiveness to talent and the effectiveness of our research.
Wales’ Regional Investment Framework highlights how we should build on the activity and networks established through Wales’ participation in a range of European Territorial Co-operation (ETC) programmes.
The Welsh Government’s International Strategy and Action Plan for Priority Regional Relationships and Networks identify the need to target important sectors, regions and networks.