A pioneering smart app for care older COVID-19 sufferers in their homes. Oxford based medical research innovators and publishing entrepreneurs have teamed-up to showcase AI enabled decision support and training technology – authoring tools and platform available from Openclinical CIC, SeraCares’ care-enabler series of smartphone deliverable interactive media was announced at a Symposium (6th September at The Crick Institute) for the late Professor John Fox, pioneer of clinical decision support software. Decades of work by many celebrants at the event – including many who have come together are dedicated to supporting dynamic improvement of current best practice for millions of home carers as well as clinicians, in ‘learning health systems’.
The Symposium at London’s Crick Institute on 6th September, celebrated the evolution and future of AI enabled computer executable clinical guidelines, care pathways and more, which many millions world-wide have already benefited from via applications of earlier versions of software named PROforma. In addition to detailing the evolution, speakers pointed to how current iterations are now supporting new research and applications
as we head to dynamic data driving “learning health systems”.
The event, attended by 50 invited global experts, many in person and others online from Australia and New Zealand, has been recorded and will be available by topic.
SeraCares’ CareEnabler app, now in production, is taking the late Oxford University’s Professor of Knowledge Engineering, John Fox’s vision forward. Some of the groundwork, shared with and shaped by Peter Ashby SeraCares CEO and the team, is focused on the care of older people globally – in strategic partnerships now sought.
There are c. 1.6m paid care professionals in the UK outside of the NHS. Add to this family and friends who will be called upon to support the well-known demographics faced by and challenging healthcare provision, the SeraCares – OpenClinical partnership shares huge ambition to meet escalating needs!
By rolling out the first CareEnabler app for use in care homes and domiciliary care it is hoped that those affected by Covid-19 can be better supported outside of hospitals and that many there can be discharged from them sooner. This requires care staff to access current best practice and be supported in decision making at the point of care. Feedback from this initiative – the app will made available free to users among c.35,000 qualified nurses in the care sector – will help shape the range of AI enabled and other training apps planned by SeraCares.
Discover more about SeraCares:
The SeraCares teams are to improve the lives of those in elder care, by empowering carers with revolutionary expert learning apps. Access to the CareEnabler app Platform to give all care staff, in care homes and in family homes, easily understood, media-rich dynamic content free to use at the point of care, benefitting those in need and enhancing individuals’ confidence competence and careers. Furthermore, care providers’ managers and SeraCares passport holders to have many additional training content and new tools & data feedback from daily usage.