
WFIPP Digital Platform on Incontinence and video demonstration

Published on: 21/09/2020

WFIPP Digital Platform on Incontinence and video demonstration
Member News

The Executive Council of WFIPP is excited to present the ‘Support In Continence’ platform which is intended to act as a helpful resource for all stakeholders, patients, families, carers, HCPs and institutions who are in some way involved in the patient pathway relating to incontinence. Of
course, many guidelines are already in existence but the WFIPP recognizes that there is not yet a dedicated reference point and tool for patients to be able to consult in an adequate manner, tailored to their own specific and individual requirements.

As the project has been evolving and taking shape over these past months, the magnitude and scope of such a platform, is becoming increasingly apparent and we are looking forward to be able to sharing this in the second half October 2020 . The Project itself is supported by Medtronic with
whom we have been working together from the outset to bring the Platform to fruition.

As president of WFIPP I have been increasingly involved in the creation and preparation of the platform which to my mind transcends anything that has been produced up to now. The content and look and feel of the platform has been created together with a Steering Committee composed of HCPs and patient representatives. We have taken great care to ensure it has all-round appeal with relevant information for all stakeholders. The platform is easily accessible and practical, covering the entire demographic range whilst also taking into consideration cultural and ethical issues and global disparities. It is a dynamic landscape to reflect and portray the real-life aspects and situations which relate to bladder and bowel incontinence.

WFIPP is currently the sole owner of the project and the time has now come to approach you and ask for your support and involvement in this essential platform. It is imperative for WFIPP to be able to count on your support and that of your organization in both the approval and dissemination of the platform so that we can ensure this reaches those who can benefit the most.

We have compiled a demonstration video to accompany this communication in order to give you some insight of the platform and what we are hoping to achieve with “Support In Continence”.

Here are the links in two formats:

How can you and your organization support this initiative?

  1. Promote the platform during your virtual events. We need to plan a brief dedicated session to demonstrate the platform possibly including the attached video presentation.
  2. Via your website and social media channels including also the video presentation.
  3. Reach out to the national societies and HCPs to promote the platform in a similar manner.
  4. Arrange a Webinar/Virtual demo together with WFIPP.

We hope very much that we can count on your continued support in this innovative, exciting and challenging project which has far exceeded our initial mandate and expectations.

We have been discussing and explaining the idea behind the platform but now we need to formalize our request to obtain your approval and support in a very tangible manner to reflect the idea behind the platform itself.

Mary Lynne van Poelgeest-Pomfret
President WFIPP


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