Watch the recording of our 3rd Ecosystem Webinar where last week, ECHAlliance and the Clúster Médico Jalisco hosted the 3rd Ibero American Webinar: This time the focus was on Mexico with the opportunity to meet virtually with for the Latin American health community in order to learn more about Telehealth in Mexico and Telehealth and hear opportunities for collaboration.
We discussed challenges, needs and benefits from different perspectives of Mexico including hearing from Mauricio Espinosa Sosa, Coordinator of Technological Development and Science Dissemination of the Secretariat of Innovation, Science and Technology, Dr Salvador Villarreal-Reyes – Senior Researcher at the Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education in Ensenada (CICESE), Juan Manuel Arellano – CEO Medicheck, Fernando de Luna – CEO Neoteck , Guillermo Dueñas – CEO CINTSA, before opening the space to hear from international experts including Margaret Whoriskey from Scotland.
See the agenda here
Check the speakers presentations here
Watch the recording webinar below