£3 million is available for UK registered small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and eligible partners from Innovate UK and MRC for business led collaborative research and development (CRD) projects, delivering industrial innovation through academic collaboration in digital health, for the UK and South Korea.
Opportunity status: Open
Funders: Innovate UK, Medical Research Council (MRC)
Co-funders: Korea Health Industry Development Institute
Funding type: Grant
Total fund: £3,000,000
Publication date: 1 June 2023
Opening date: 19 June 2023 9:30am UK time
Closing date: 2 August 2023 11:00am UK time
Eligibility summary
This funding opportunity is open to collaborations of UK organisations only.
To lead a project you must:
- be a grant claiming UK registered micro, SME
- collaborate with a UK registered academic institution or research and technology organisation
- collaborate with at least two eligible South Korean registered organisations, which must be separate non-linked entities to the UK project partner