Supporting organisations set up or run by people with first-hand experience of a social issue, who are trying to create positive change for communities and people who share those experiences. This funding will support lived experience leadership, and make sure lived experience plays a key role in shaping how communities move towards recovery and renewal after the impact of COVID-19.
We expect to fund between 30 and 40 grants. Area UK-wide Suitable for Voluntary or community organisations, set up or run by leaders with lived experience Funding size£20,000 to £50,000
Application deadline: 13 October 2020, 5pm
How to apply
You have the option tell us about your project through a video
You can find instructions about how to do this in the online application form. If you have any questions about applying with a video, please contact: livedexperience@tnlcommunityfund.org.uk
We co-designed the application form with lived experience leaders
The application questions were co-designed in 2018 for the Leaders with Lived Experience Pilot Programme.