
The Self Research Intitute: Research and development in the area of Human Data Science

The Self Research Intitute: Research and development in the area of Human Data Science

Discover more about the latest member to join our global community: The Self Research Institute (SRI)

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The Self Research Institute (SRI) is a US-based non-profit organization that has created a platform combining scientific research and technological development in the area of personal informatics (PI) or Human Data Science to ensure individuals have the tools and knowledge to protect and control their data and digital identities. SRI aims to empower individuals globally to improve Quality of Life with data, in a private, secure, collaborative, and accessible way.

Their skilled team, composed of medical researchers, engineers, developers, and designers, are dedicated to advancing health data through our innovative research and development efforts. They spearhead groundbreaking projects such as SelfProfile, which enables you to consolidate all of your data (health and other domains) in a single location, and SelfFramework, which provides a cutting-edge infrastructure for managing decentralized digital identities. In the health domain, they work on developing advanced and dynamic ontologies and app features in both physical health and well being, as well as mental health.

The Self Research Institute desires to grow and reach more individuals globally. They would benefit from collaborations, support in disruptive innovations, and education in healthcare innovation trends, specifically focusing on including developments in access to health data changes, AI in healthcare, and cross-border collaborations.


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