Developing and sharing open source methodologies to safely test for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 using multiple approaches.
by David Kong, Zach Mueller, Thomas Landrain
The goal of this project is to develop an open source methodology to safely test for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 using tools as common as possible.
How to join the project:
0- Read through this onboarding document
1- Join the project on JOGL – activate the notifications in your profile
2- Fill out the project member survey
4- Request to join the permissions group for edit access to the Google Drive
5- Visit our Open Lab Notebook
If you have relevant expertise but cannot commit to ongoing/dedicated work on the project, we’re working on putting together a separate Google Form experts can fill out to have their name included in our list of Expert Contacts we will occasionally reach out to for guidance/reviews. In the meantime, reach out to one of the project admins (above). Any help is much appreciated!