StairwAI (Stairway to AI: Ease the Engagement of Low-Tech users to the AI-on-Demand platform through AI) is an EU-funded project targeting low-tech users with the goal of facilitating their engagement in the AI4EU platform. This will be achieved through a new service layer enriching the functionalities of the on-demand platform and containing:
- a multilingual interaction layer
- a horizontal matchmaking service and
- a vertical matchmaking service
To test the above-mentioned new services, StairwAI is targeting SMEs working in low-tech sectors that do not have immediate access nor knowledge on AI techniques, matching them with cloud providers and AI experts.
StairwAI will select 14 low-tech SMEs to perform a feasibility study and pilot for the adoption of AI. Applicants have to focus on addressing one of the challenge areas using a set of AI tools and resources that will be available on the AI4EU platform.
Apply by 15 March.