SIVI Cluster attended from 14 to 16 November to FORTH, Heraklion Crete (Greece) together with its partner Leon Research, in the framework of the MEDIC NEST project, of which cluster SIVI is part of its consortium.
During three days we had the opportunity to discuss the progress and results of the project with Imago-Mol Cluster, MEDVIA, Hellenic Biocluster (HBio), Biocat, BioRegion of Catolonia, Hellenic Digital Health Cluster, ROHEALTH – The Health and Bioeconomy Cluster and Digital Innovation Zone EDIH.
On the first working day, the progress of the MEDIC NEST consortium was presented on the development of a MetaCluster focused on Precision Medicine. The mission, vision and strategic goals, concrete actions to develop the project, as well as barriers and stakeholders were identified.
The second day allowed us to learn more about projects developed at FORTH associated with the digital transformation in the Greek healthcare sector, addressing topics such as High Performance Computing and its application in personalised medicine and health, as well as digital innovation and e-Health services developed by the Centre of eHealth Applications and Services (CeHA).
The third and last session focused on Business Models focused on Clusters. We had the opportunity to share with Alberto Baldi from ClusterPRO (Italy) who deepened on Cluster business and funding models and the Cluster Value Triangle.
We would like to thank Hellenic Biocluster (HBio) for the organisation and invitation to be part of the training. It was undoubtedly a very fruitful event.