
SIVI Cluster obtained a favourable resolution in six AEIs projects from the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism of the Spanish Government

Published on: 22/11/2023

SIVI Cluster obtained a favourable resolution in six AEIs projects from the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism of the Spanish Government
A successful participation of SIVI Cluster in the single call from the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism (MINCOTUR) for Innovative Business G
Digital Health Solutions, Ecosystems, Partnerships and Growth

 From the eight projects presented, SIVI Cluster obtained a favourable resolution for six of them, either as coordinators or partners, totalling €1.015 million out of a total budget of €2 million. It was a highly competitive call with 441 projects presented and only 279 finally approved. 

For this call, SIVI Cluster emphasized the importance of intercluster projects in the call (all been awarded) where we are collaborating with the Mental Health Cluster of Catalonia (CSMC), the Health Cluster of Aragon (Arahealth), the Functional Print Cluster of Navarra (Cluster Functional Print), the Cluster of equipment, furniture and design of the Basque Country (HABIC Cluster) and INDESCAT (Catalan Sports Cluster).

The successful projects awarded are:

PlaiSens: The project aims to investigate the application of 4.0 technologies for the future development of a platform that can be available to social health workers for the early diagnosis, evaluation and monitoring of patients, especially children and adolescents, with motor disabilities and/or postural alterations. The project explores a technological solution based on the joint use of electronic printing, sensors and artificial intelligence as a demonstrator of the capabilities of the technology. In addition, the tool aims to support professionals in evaluating the effects of therapies on the patient. 

ContigoCARE: The aim of the project is to develop a solution for prevention and intervention in the event of relapses in behavioural disorders and their improvement in care. ContigoCARE will provide a validated and easy-to-use solution that helps mental health professionals detect relapses early and, at the same time, will contribute to improving the follow-up of mental health patients. 

MatchMind: The project proposes the innovative development of a matching system between patients and professionals to improve the results of the therapeutic process. This system will use clinical and demographic variables of the patient, along with the therapeutic style, personality, area of expertise, as well as other variables of the professionals to assign each patient the most appropriate professional. The main objective of the project is to develop software for assigning new patients to psychotherapists based on data from both patients and therapists. 

I_solation: The project aims to concentrate human, scientific and technological resources to achieve different innovative digitization solutions that allow fighting against unwanted loneliness (SnD) and have current data and scientific rigour that determine the evolution, impact and best practices for each group that suffers from this challenge of the new society.

SILVERFIT: The aim of the project is to prototype a portable machine to be able to do strength exercises, regulated for people with dependence or mobility problems who need to improve their level of strength and maintain their physical condition in general. 

SMART SPORT ANALYTICS TOILET – SSAT (S-URINAL): The project aims to develop a new value proposition that allows users and professionals to control parameters about their state of fatigue and recovery without modifying the daily habit of going to the bathroom. It intends to convert the traditional bathrooms of a sports facility into new intelligent monitoring stations effortlessly for the user through an immediate urinalysis to reduce the risk of suffering an injury and prescribe exercise in a more appropriate way.

In conclusion, the provisional resolutions of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism’s Innovative Business Groups (AEIs, for its acronym in Spanish) grants for collaborative industrial innovation projects for the year 2023 marked a significant milestone for the SIVI Cluster. With an outstanding success rate, obtaining approval for six of the eight projects submitted, we have demonstrated the strength of collaboration and innovation in our sector. These initiatives reflect our commitment to advancing technologies that improve quality of life and promote independence.


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