
Serbia Hacking Corona

Published on: 04/05/2020

Serbia Hacking Corona
Covid-19, Demand, Ecosystems

Help the most effective and independent organization fighting the Corona pandemic in Serbia to move to the next, significant level. Your donation will allow:

1) Further independent work through capacity building for external financing
2) Mass production and distribution of innovative solutions by their validation in practice.

We are a combined group of technology experts and innovators who did not only sit and watch the corona pandemic invading our society, especially some of the most important and vulnerable groups, such as healthcare professionals, who have been at the mercy of this deadly disease.

That is why, under the name Visionaries of Serbia, we have organized and mobilized in the first days of the pandemic in Serbia. Only in one month we made over 45,000 protective visors and distributed them to healthcare professionals and other vulnerable groups across the country.

Visors were just the first line of help and today many more solutions are needed and no one knows how many more solutions will be needed in the second and third wave of infection we may experience in the near future.

This is the reason we have focused our knowledge and skills on creating the following important solutions through discussions with medical professionals and engineers (more information below):

1. Hermetic face masks (Full face masks)
2. Non-invasive Respirator
3. Disinfection gate
4. Sterilizer (operating rooms)
5. Software solutions

Over the past 2 weeks, over 100 outstanding professionals have created these solutions that are already in the hands of our doctors, while some have yet to be tested in practice before we go into mass production.

We would like to ask you to join us in this process.

So far, we have funded all our work on our own as there was no time to organize donations – the needs of the vulnerable groups were so urgent and big that every minute was important. We have financed all the work from our own pockets so far and every penny was worth the result.

However, if for all the further work we have to fund ourselves, there is a ceiling that we will hit sooner or later.

Therefore, we invite you to join us at this crucial time for our further work and help us to accomplish these two things:

1) To build capacity to raise funds for further innovative activist work and help our society to fight the coronavirus pandemic
2) To transfer the above 5 technological solutions from the laboratory to the clinics and validate their effectiveness

Knowledge about fundraising will make us 10x more efficient than we are today, and with the funds from this campaign we will validate the 5 innovative solutions in medical practice, after which we will multiply and donate them to assist all medical institutions in the country that wish to do so.

Main reasons for donating:

1) Our solutions are 10-100x more favorable than those available on the commercial market
2) We will put blueprints and technical solutions on all products that we have developed for open source use all over the world, thus demonstrating the knowledge and humanity of people from Serbia
3) Every single penny counts, no penny will go to anyone’s pocket, but only to help the vulnerable groups

For more detailed information on the event, progress and news, follow Serbia Hacking Corona Facebook Group. Join us, donate through the site, directly to the Health Tech Lab account, or by texting any content to 7300. Any funds we collect through this will be used solely for the purpose of developing products that are developed at this event which will be donated to healthcare institutions in Serbia. Each new item will be transparently and publicly disclosed so that all donors are aware of their spending.

5 groups of projects/solutions
RSD 200.000

Thank you and stay healthy!

Information for donation to the association’s bank account:


Hermetic Face Masks – Full Face Masks

These masks have at least 3 different goals:

1) Protecting medical professionals, but potentially other at-risk populations, with a high risk of being infected with the virus. Protection is provided to the person in the form of complete isolation of the face and purification of the inhaled air (adaptation with HEPA filter approved by the competent institution)

2) Respiratory care (adaptation to existing clinical respiratory systems)

3) Replacement for milder respirators (adaptation with PEEP valve to compressed air and non-clinical respirators)
The masks are based on existing snorkeling masks. 3D printed adapters are being made to allow medical HEPA air filters to be mounted on a full-face mask. Adapters can be changed, so the mask can also be attached to a respirator in case the factory masks run out or more patients need to use the same respirator.

All three purposes have already been tested under realistic conditions in the competent institutions.

Non-invasive respirator

The goal of this device is to facilitate the breathing of patients in several stages of lung disease. In certain situations, when patients have lung failure, they are put on an invasive respirator. After “removal” from an invasive respirator, a person needs recovery, that is, getting used to breathing without a respirator. Also, in milder forms of the disease, a simpler form of respirator may be used where no intubation is required, which may increase the chance that the disease will not even escalate to the level where an invasive respirator is required. In all these situations, the proposed Non-invasive Respirator may be helpful.

The device is designed so that with the same hardware the respirator can work in several different modes. In addition to supplying the patient with a controlled concentration of oxygen, it can assist the patient by assisting with his or her breaths and providing overpressure, and may completely abolish the mechanical work of the lungs on patients who are unable to breathe independently.

This non-invasive respirator is made up of parts that are easily available in stores and are widely available. In combination with an open-source license, it will be available for worldwide replication.

The team is currently working on the preparation of the first prototype and assumes that within the next few days it will have a CPAP-operated respirator without humidification and no gas mixing, but ready for initial testing in collaboration with the professionals.

The steps in the next 2 weeks are CMV mode with moisture and potentially gas mixing as well as Assist Control mode.

Disinfection gate

The task of this challenge is to find a solution for the disinfection of medical personnel when leaving the “dirty zones” of the hospital. After almost 2 weeks of very dedicated engagement, work, and research by all the hackers involved, we have come up with a disinfection gate solution that has the following features.

It helps the most vulnerable health care professionals in the red zone by “drastically” reducing the risk of infection when removing protective equipment.

It is designed to be simple, therefore cost-effective, easy to transport and assemble (IKEA style) in parts and most importantly, when not in use it does not take up fixed space but can be passed through.

We used readily available components in design to make procurement, assembly, and servicing as easy as possible.
In collaboration with chemistry experts, we have also found an effective disinfectant, Sanosil, which does not react with materials, protective equipment, or even bare skin and kills the virus within 10 seconds and has all the necessary certificates to be approved for use in fighting the virus. Ethanol could also be used.

The focus of our machine is to make it as easy as possible to apply, with as little input as possible from the staff who use and service it (to supplement disinfectant). We want to reduce the input (tired and deconcentrated) user to squeeze one button, after which the machine will cycle the disinfection cycle (thus clearing the button itself) and give an audible and light indication when the cycle is complete.

We expect the first prototype to be assembled and ready to test and validate the solution in the next few days. Accordingly, after testing the first prototype by the competent institutions, we will be able to decide on further steps in the direction of the production of this solution, so that healthcare institutions will be able to use this solution.

Room Sterilizer (operating room)

The task of this challenge is to reduce the concentration of the virus in indoor air and especially in operating rooms.
Devices that valuable hackers design will use healthcare facilities to drastically reduce the amount of virus in operating rooms during surgery (emergency doctors don’t know if a patient is infected).

The device recirculates the air, passing it through a high-density HEPA filter, which is exposed to UVC radiation on both sides so that the air at the outlet of the device is completely cleaned and free of microorganisms.

After nearly two weeks of working together and researching all the hackers involved, we expect the first prototype to be assembled and ready to test and validate the solution in the next few days. Accordingly, after testing the first prototype by the competent institutions, we will be able to decide on further steps in the direction of the production of this sophisticated and healthcare facilities the necessary device.


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