The Commission would like to hear your views on a proposal for a Council Regulation for a European Partnership on Innovative Health under Horizon Europe. This initiative aims to provide a collaborative platform for pre-competitive research and innovation where small and big companies can join forces with researchers, patients, healthcare professionals and regulators in the field of smart health.
This cooperation with partners specialised in e.g. pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, medical devices, imaging or from the biotech and digital industries will help speed up the development and uptake of innovation in public health.
The partnership would build on the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI2), but would significantly revise its scope and expand its partners. This new partnership would strongly support the key strategic value chain on smart health, blending healthcare and digital technologies, digital media, mobile devices and biomedical engineering.
Article Source: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/roadmap-european-partnership-innovative-health-horizon-europe-programme