New book now available: ‘Women in Academia Support Network (WIASN)’ featuring member stories of their backgrounds, how they got into research and how they are contributing to and shaping their respective fields.
Issues with gender equity in research stubbornly remain – meaning what is researched, who by and it what ways is not wholly inclusive. Yet, in order to solve some of the worlds most pressing problems, to innovate, create new markets and advance knowledge we need diversity of thought.
This book aims to smash stereotypes of what research is and who does it in order to create a healthy and diverse research pipeline and to foster collaboration across sectors -wherever research happens. The book is edited by Dr Kelly Pickard-Smith, Dr Amy Bonsall and Prof Eleonora Belfiore; Directors of the professional network and charity ‘Women in Academia Support Network’ (WIASN) featuring member stories of their backgrounds, how they got into research and how they are contributing to and shaping their respective fields.
ResearcHER: The power and potential of research careers for women is available to order now
The first 1000 print run has been gifted by WIASN, through their global network, to young people across the globe through universities and learned institutions such as The Institute of Physics (UK). This widening participation initiative aims to engage those communities under represented in research careers. If you would like to find out more about how you can support the distribution of the book or how WIASN can assist developing your own research culture/community please get in touch kelly@wiasn.com.
Discover more about WIASN:
WIASN is an award winning digital professional research network with expertise in developing research culture and community. A professional network and UK registered charity. with 13k+ members from PhD to Vice chancellor; our membership membership extends to over 100 countries and across sectors from Higher Education, Industry, Health Care, Government, NGOs etc in order to bring together research collaborations, develop research practice and excel womens research careers to also influence what is researched and how. WIASN offer professional mentorship, training and research. You can find out more via our website https://www.wiasn.org/