For many years, the Region of Southern Denmark worked hard to establish a strong framework for exchanging knowledge and supporting collaborative development between private industry partners and the hospitals in the region. PPPs and PPIs are considered important tools for the public health care sector and private partners to co-develop solutions that benefit the health care sector.
For many years, the Region of Southern Denmark worked hard to establish a strong framework for exchanging knowledge and supporting collaborative development between private industry partners and the hospitals in the region. PPPs and PPIs are considered important tools for the public health care sector and private partners to co-develop solutions that benefit the health care sector.
Nation of Health, Healthcare DENMARK, Danish Life Science Cluster and the Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark met up to:
- discuss PPIs and PPPs in the Region of Southern Denmark
- strengthen their internal network
- to be more specific in the definitions of PPI and PPP as collaboration tools
Dorte Malig Rasmussen from Danish Life Science Cluster provided an overview of the past.
Thomas Clausen and Morten Givskud from the Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark presented the OPI task force and One-Point-of-Entry, while Martin Skov presented the PPI projects that the Health Innovation Centre is currently participating in; MARS (Multi Application Robotic System) and MOTUS (MOtivation for Time out of Bed).
Companies or health care professionals who are interested in knowing more about PPI and PPP option in Southern Denmark can contact Anne Friis Hansen,, Health Innovation Centre.
Several initiatives support access to the health care sector for industry partners for the purpose of test and development or clinical trials within health care technology or assisted living technology.