Launched in June 2018, the Portuguese Network Healthy, Intelligent and Friendly Environments, held its first face-to-face event on October 11 in Coimbra. The Portuguese Network brings together a wide range of Portuguese organizations committed to the promotion of a joint agenda for the implementation of Inclusive Environments for all ages, with particular emphasis in the areas of Health, Social Support, TICE and Infrastructures.
The first face-to-face event of the network was attended by a representative of the European Commission, Giulio Gallo – Deputy Head of Unit DG SANTE and by a representative of the European Connected Health Alliance, Bleddyn Rees, Deputy Chair and Digital Health Society.
The international network of ecosystems and some successful experiences from other countries, relevant to the Portuguese experience, were explained. This network has integrated ECHAlliance as the Portuguese ecosystem and will also be a stakeholder network in the EU Health Policy Platform, of the European Commission.
In the morning panel the National Strategy for Active and Healthy Aging 2017-2025 was also presented by Professor José Pereira Miguel and the international thematic network SHAFE – Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments, by Carina Dantas of Cáritas Coimbra.
The meeting was attended by 60 participants from different areas of research/academia, public authorities, business and civil society/citizens and different stakeholders who subscribed the network. In the afternoon the participants discussed in groups the 4 main areas and topics identified by the participants in the morning, in World Cafe style, oriented by members of the Coordinator/Advisory Board group,.
The Portuguese Network Healthy, Intelligent and Friendly Environments brings together a wide range of Portuguese organizations, favoring a quadruple helix participation and actively promoting collaboration between research/academia, public authorities, companies and civil society /citizens, with the aim of finding common solutions to national challenges in this area.