The local health authority Benevento (IT), Falkiewicz hospital (PL), integral health consortium Barcelona and Santander city council (ES) invite interested bidders to participate in the open market consultation for their upcoming E-CARE pre-commercial procurement. Objective is to develop disruptive digital solutions for the prevention and comprehensive management of frailty to encourage independent living, wellbeing and to relieve health and care services budget pressure. Aim is to achieve impact on both physical and the psychosocial factors, especially in elderly that feel lonely or isolated.
eCare keeps moving forward! Due to the Covid-19 situation we needed to postpone some of the activities planned for the first half of 2020. Now we are happy to announce that the Prior Information Notice (PIN) has been officially published.
This PIN publication means that we will be able to organise the Open Market Consultation (OMC) phase between October and December 2020. During this phase, eCare is organising several workshops and online questionnaires to gather the thoughts and points of view from the industry, healthcare organisations, patients and carers.
The eCare workshops will take place in October. As an update: all workshops will turn to webinars, in order to celebrate them online and facilitate your attendance. Final dates & registration to be launched in September.