The general objective of the Programme is to improve prevention and reduce inequalities in health.
The Programme will provide support for mental health promotion and prevention measures with emphasis on the well-being of children and youth and their families, primarily through strengthening the community-based mental health services (Outcome 1) and improving well-being of children and youth (Outcome 2) by establishing clearly defined, expected results.
Through the open call “Mechanisms of social inclusion strengthening for children and young people with high-risk behaviours and / or from disadvantaged backgrounds” (hereinafter – the Call) the Programme Operator seeks to select and support projects that best contribute to achieving Outcome 2 of the Health Programme. The Call will ensure the well-being of children and young people by developing and implementing an effective qualitative system of methods and integrated services for vulnerable children and young people.
To ensure enhanced bilateral relations between Lithuania and the donor states, projects supported under this call may be prepared and implemented in partnership with entities from Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway under this call.
Deadline 29th Dec 2020