The EIP on AHA is pleased to announce the launch of the 2019 Call for Twinnings Support Scheme. The objective is to facilitate the deployment of large-scale innovative digitally-enabled solutions for health and care delivery for older adults. This initiative therefore contributes to the European Scaling Up Strategy of the EIP on AHA and to the implementation of the priorities set out in the EC Communication on digital transformation of health and care in the Digital Single Market.
The scheme targets regional organisations that actively participate in the EIP on AHA that have made Individual Commitments or Collaborative Commitments to the EIP on AHA. They should also hold Reference Site status.
Participating organisations can claim up to € 5,000 in financial support for each twinning action. This will cover the travel and accommodation of experts from adopting organisations to originator organisations or vice-versa. It will also include expenses incurred by hosting meetings.
What is twinning?
The twinning scheme aims to reduce any risks related to investing in innovative digital ICT solutions. It does so by financing the exchange of knowledge and good practice in digital health solutions that have a high potential for replicability and scaling up.
There are two types of organisations involved:
- The originator organisation – this is the organisation transferring the innovative practice: the organisation with the experience and know-how developed in a particular intervention.
- The adoptor organisation – this is the organisation adopting the innovative practice: the organisation that will receive the innovative practice and deploy / implement it on its territory.
Furthermore, the originator organisation could involve an SMEs or a start-up in the twinning activities as a way to connect some twinnings with the I2M Plan. A limited number of twinnings will include an SMEs or a startup operating at national/regional level which already developed innovative digitally-driven health and care solutions and have the ambitions to scale-up them in a cross-border context.
How to Apply?
Applications to the scheme can be made through a joint request, submitted through a brief online form. The joint request should be filled in by the originator and adopting organisations. They should provide details on the content of the twinning action and outline their commitment to start implementing the innovative practice within the 2019-2020 timeframe. Deadline for submissions is 15th June 2019.
An independent panel made up of members of the WE4AHA project and representatives from the European Commission will select up to five twinning actions.
Funding will be awarded by 15th July 2019, one month after submissions are received.
For more detailed information on the call, access the Terms of Reference or consult the Question and Answer document.
Related action groups:
- A1 Adherence to prescription
- A2 Falls prevention
- A3 Lifespan Health Promotion & Prevention of Age Related Frailty and Disease
- B3 Integrated care
- C2 Independent living solutions
- D4 Age friendly environments.
Relevance to partnership:
- Active ageing and independent living
- Care and cure
- Horizontal issues and framework conditions
- Prevention, screening and early diagnosis.