Learn more about the newest member to join our global community: Innovative Solutions for Independent Living (SIVI). Their mission is to improve the quality of life of people in a dependent situation (people with disabilities, the elderly and chronic)
The Association – Cluster – Innovative Solutions for Independent Living (SIVI), based in Castilla y León, Spain, brings together a significant number of public and private organizations (providers of socio-assistance services, technology companies, university research groups, technology centers and the third sector) with experience in the design, development and application of innovative technological solutions in the fields of active and healthy aging, mental health and independent living. The multisectoral nature of the Association allows it to cover all stages of an innovation project: conception, design, development, testing in application groups, exploitation of results and marketing.
Castilla y León is a community with socio-demographic characteristics that position it as a genuine “social laboratory” and a profitable territory for the development of a reference model to promote the autonomy and social integration of dependent people. Due to this objective, Cluster SIVI strives to establish itself as a benchmark in providing care for individuals facing challenges of dependency and disability, so that solutions are provided to ensure a life that is as dignified and independent as possible, directly related with facing the challenges of ageing and rurality. It is based on public-private collaboration to achieve synergies that result in a better quality of life of the citizen.
Cluster SIVI is an entity in constant growth seeking to promote research, development and innovation activities, and technology transfer, with the aim of achieving the constitution of a highly competitive ICT and Assistance-Health sectors, both nationally and internationally. To achieve this, our needs focus on promoting interrelation between technology-based companies and healthcare-assistance companies, favouring the development of solutions in the field of disability, personal autonomy and dependency situations; establish the channels that enable a greater relationship with the institutions and bodies responsible for social policy; and achieve the full internationalization of the sector.