The recently awarded 2020 Health Policy Platform Thematic Network ‘Profiling and training the healthcare workers of the future’ aims at bringing together key stakeholders, initiatives and projects dealing with digital skills and at identifying the necessary competences for a future-proof health workforce.
The network, co-led by the Erasmus+ Sector Skills Alliances DISH consortium partner EHMA together with Health First Europe, and involving the DISH dissemination lead partner ECHAlliance, will organise a series of webinars to facilitate exchange of views, experiences and best practices and will release a joint set of recommendations on the topic.
Officially kicked off on the 11th of February 2020 at the presence of DG Santè officers, the Thematic Network represents a natural ground where fostering synergies between its activities and the work already undergoing within the DISH project, whose purpose is to provide health care staff with the necessary knowledge and skills to better cope with the digital transformation of the healthcare sector.
Facilitated by the presence of two consortium partners in both initiatives, DISH activities and achievements will feed the Thematic Network discussion about profiling the healthcare workers’ needs, promoting and improving their core competences to better cope with the future challenges of health care.
On the other hand, the members of the Thematic Network will strengthen and enrich the composition of the DISH European Reference Group, amplifying and multiplying communication and awareness creation coverage of the project and its results at European level.
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