Representatives of more than 70 Interreg Europe projects from the Programme’s fourth call came together in Budapest on 21-23 January 2020 for finance, activity reporting, and communication seminars.
The participants got useful tips and practical advice on expectations and requirements related to financial and activities reporting, control procedures, good practices and results and on how to make communication activities effective and attractive.
The three days seminars, organized in such a way that all seminars’ attendees had the opportunity to interact with each other’s and with the Programme officers, gave the opportunity not only to attend and learn from the various presentations but also left the space for practical simulations related to the project’s implementation phase.
The EU_SHAFE project, represented by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia and ECHAlliance, respectively Josè Miguel Corres, the project leader, and Natalia Allegretti, the dissemination manager, actively attended the Budapest seminars, gaining useful insights about good management and communication practices, getting in contacts with other partners and with the Programme Joint Secretariat representatives.
Particularly dynamic the exchanges and collaboration during the series of World Café discussions, where the projects representatives had the chance to share their experience and lessons learned on various topics, pointing out “hot” questions and suggestions presented at the end of the third day to the Programme officers.
For all the updates related to the project please check the project website and follow the official project hashtag #EU_SHAFE and social media