The Canadian Integrated Health Alliance (; in collaboration with the European Connected Health Alliance ( and Invest Ottawa(, launched the first annual Canadian European Digital Health Conference (CEC18) in Ottawa, October 23, 2018.
Stakeholders from government, academic medicine and industry explored how to connect and to grow business opportunities between Canada, the USA and Europe in the rapidly emerging fields of digital health and social care.
Impetus for the meeting is the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement CETA – the new free-trade agreement between Canada, the European Union and its member states. The meeting focused on how CETA can accelerate the transnational exchange of information, products and services with organizations like the European Digital Health Society.
The working group of digital health experts identified the complex problems and possible solutions to interoperability standards, data governance, 2nd use of health-data and digital transformation & change management.
For more information about the Canadian Alliance and the outcomes and next steps from CEC18, please contact Alex Szucs, CIHAlliance President at