On 20-21 September 2022, the Pan-European Hospital and Healthcare Procurement summit will bring together hospital and healthcare procurement professionals from around the world to share the latest developments in procurement and hear from some of the sector’s thought leaders.
You can find a full programme of events here. Register now to reserve your seat for our keynote and hands on workshop sessions.
We now have 100 confirmed speakers for the summit, they are the leading experts from the procurement industry, including:
- Ronald Lavater, CEO,International Hospital Federation
- Alyson Brett, Managing director, NHS Commercial Solutions
- Jean David Malo, Director European Innovation Council
- Hadewig de Corte, Hospital Manager
- Paul Garassus, President of the European Union of Private Hospitals (UEHP)
- Arianna Gamba, Circular Healthcare Program Manager, Healthcare Without Harm (HCWH)
- Andy Bleaden, Communities Director, ECHAlliance
- Tifenn Humbert, Technical Officer Strategic Procurement and Supply, WHO Europe
- and many more …
These respected speakers will be participating in a high-level 2-day agenda, delivering presentations and running workshops which address key issues for healthcare procurement professionals, including:
- Public Procurement & Legal aspects
- The role of GPO‘s
- Future Healthcare Systems
- Digital Procurement
- Securing Supplies
- Sustainability
Tickets to the summit are selling fast, so if you’d like to hear from some of the biggest names in the procurement industry register now to make sure you don’t miss out on our most popular sessions.
Only a limited number of tickets remain, so reserve your place today at the procurement event of the year!
About the organisers:
The 1st Pan-European Hospital & Healthcare Procurement Summit is organised by The European Health Public Procurement Alliance and Health Proc Europe.
The European Health Public Procurement Alliance is a consortium of non-profit Group Procurement Organisations which aims to pool expertise, leverage performance and provide its members with a strategic position in the European health procurement market. Founded in 2012 EHPPA is a registered association under French law and has its headquarters in Paris.
The European non-profit association of the buyers of hospitals and healthcare facilities. Since its foundation in 2019, the Association has become the largest European healthcare procurement ecosystem. Being the transformation partner by ensuring superior performance and turning procurement into a critical business driver, the Health Proc Europe community unites like-minded procurement experts & professionals in Europe with a passion for driving change and improvement in healthcare procurement.
ECHAlliance members have discounted registration for the Pan-European Hospital & Healthcare Procurement Summit, please contact heather@echalliance.con for further details.