Registration has started for the Scientific symposium “Gene editing – from research to industry”, which will take place in Vilnius, October 25, 2022!
Lithuanian Biotechnology Association with partners “EuropaBio”, “Invest Lithuania”, “Innovation agency”, “Lithuanian Confederation of industrialists”, “Ministry of Economy and innovations” and “Go Vilnius” organizing Scientific Symposium “Gene Editing – from Research to Industry“ which will be held in Vilnius on 25th of October 2022, where will be covering the success stories of research outcomes in the field of gene editing with the focus on introduction to the industry applications. The symposium agenda will cover CRISPR molecular tools applications for various products and will showcase the successful collaborations between public and private researchers.
The forthcoming Symposium program will attract a wide range of genetic engineering professionals from academia and industry. The event will create excellent opportunities for collaboration between different sectors.
The development of gene editing potential applications proved to reflect a remarkable impact on the future of the life science industry. The high efficiency of the CRISPR-Cas9 system demonstrated by researchers resulted in significant investments within the field.
The event will be opened by Vilnius University, Life science center professor Prof. Virginijus Šikšnys. Symposium speakers world-known scientists – Sr. Director, Cell Biology R&D at “Thermo Fisher Scientific” Jonathan D. Chesnut, PhD, CSO at LLC “Caszyme” Dr. Giedrius Gasiūnas, CEO at “Cardea” Dr. Kiana Aran, scientists from “Integra Therapeutics” and “Corteva Agrisciences”.
Venue: Vilnius University, Life Science Center, Saulėtekio av. 7, Vilnius, Lithuania. The event will be broadcast online.
Date and time: 2022 October 25th, 1.00 pm.
Main sponsor: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Participation in the Scientific symposium is free of charge! But pre-registration is required. Participation registration deadline is October 23, 2022.
More information and registration: www.lbta.lt/conference/
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