On 14 March 2019 EURORDIS and ECHAlliance hosted their first joint webinar.
Chaired by Denis Costello, Web Communications Senior Manager & RareConnect Project Leader, EURORDIS and presented by Brian O’Connor, ECHAlliance Chair, the session focussed on:
- How innovation changes lives;
- Providing details of the new strategic partnership between EURORDIS and ECHAlliance;
- Explaining the purpose of health ‘ecosystems’.
Denis Costello explained:
“We recently joined the ECHAlliance and encourage our members to do the same, to ensure access to the opportunities of this International, multi stakeholder not for profit organisation.”
Brian O’Connor added:
“I have always believed the patient voice should be heard more loudly; we know of many instances when health technology companies invent solutions in isolation and sometimes are a solution chasing a need. We at ECHAlliance want to change that, and to ensure companies consult patients and LISTEN. No one knows more than patients about the effect your disease has on you and your life. Co-creation, where patients are involved with companies at the beginning, will bring benefits to both parties.”
Two invitations were issued to those attending and extended to all Patient Groups in EURORDIS.
1. An invitation to join, for no fee, the ECHAlliance. You can register and join online. Members will have access to the International Network of Ecosystems.
2. To join ECHAlliance in the co-creation of solutions for patients. Please email brian@echalliance.com to get involved.
EURORDIS and the ECHAlliance continue to collaborate, ‘connecting the dots’ between Patient Groups and the many other stakeholders in the Sector. Please keep monitoring this website and social media channels for the latest updates.
- View the slides from the webinar.