More than 500 Health Care Professionals and Health Care Managers from Italy, Slovenia, Spain and Denmark took time out during the fall and winter months 2021 to help us gather data. Thanks to their efforts, we now possess an extensive empiric data foundation to form the basis for our analyses.
Linda Andersen Justi, Project Manager at Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark says:
“We highly value the input to our needs analysis and organizational analysis, especially because the participants had to maneuver through extra busy schedules triggered by surging Covid-19 cases, a nurses’ strike as well as the general bustle.”
Clear tendencies across the four countries are surfacing – for instance:
- Health Care Professionals have similar needs for upskilling regardless of nationality. Thus, training in digital literacy, meaning the ability to navigate in our digital world using reading, writing, technical skills, and critical thinking; seems pivotal in order to feel safe in the pursuit of digital transformation.
- Similar observations were pinpointed, e.g. the importance of foreseeing technology fatigue in the sense that management must lower ambitions in terms of how many tech projects can be launched at the same time because it might exhaust their staff.
To establish what digital skills our health care professionals and health care managers want, data is now being processed. Later this month, the project will seek input from its’ quadruple helix expert panel, the Danish Reference Group and the DELIVER Partnership in order for the main points to be extracted and applied in the transnational educational program.
The DELIVER project (Digital EducationaL programme InvolVing hEalth pRofessionals) is an ERASMUS+ project running over three years from 2021 to 2023. The project goal is to enhance the digital skills of Health Care Professionals and Health Care Managers.
Read more about DELIVER http://project-deliver.eu/ or contact linda.justi@rsyd.dk