The ongoing surge in COVID-19 cases across India has overwhelmed the healthcare delivery systems capacity. In this context, a large number of citizens affected by COVID-19 are trying to manage themselves at home.
The George Institute for Global Health, India Health Accelerator Programme are partnering with ECHAlliance to launch an innovation challenge “Covid-Care@Home” for developing /identifying solutions that will support effective home based care for COVID-19 to support families and communities in rural areas.
Please share about your idea/innovation to address this challenge.
Covid-Care @Home is an innovation challenge covering an ideathon and hackathon aimed at developing innovative solutions for managing covid-19 at home with a focus on rural areas.
Call for Innovations under categories
- Management of COVID-19 at home and post COVID complications
- Ensuring access to essential medical supplies for management of COVID-19
- Tools for dissemination of verified information and tackling misinformation
- Mental health support for frontline health workers and people affected by COVID-19
Participation Criteria
is open to school and college students
is open to both individual innovators and early stage start ups
Submission Open Till: 10/06/2021
The winner from each category will be awarded INR 50,000 and will be provided mentorship by leading industry experts as part of the TGI Health Innovation Fellowship.