370 participants attended the 6th Conference of Partners of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Health Ageing (EIP on AHA) held on 27 and 28 February. The EIP-AHA partners discussed how to align themselves to the actions of the Digital Single Market and the future Commission Communication on Digital Transformation of Health and Care.
As Vytenis Andriukaitis, Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, opened the 6th Conference of Partners (COP), he encouraged the partners in his speech: “The world is moving into the digital era – and we need to grasp this opportunity to modernise and reform our health systems so that they can overcome the challenges of the 21st century. Everyone here today can play an instrumental role in the successful implementation of this Communication, so I count on your commitment and support”.
This is about us!
Also speaking at the opening, Vice-President of the European Parliament Mairead McGuiness emphasized: “Active and Healthy Ageing is not only a matter of ‘the elderly’. This is about us! It’s a positive story.”
Roberto Viola, Director-General of DG Communications, Networks, Content and Technology, gave the closing speech on day 1: “Digital tech for access to health information, better use of data for personalised health and care and tools for empowerment come at a cost. But the cost of chronic conditions and failure to deliver on better results for citizens is much higher.”
The programme included sesssions that reflected the priorities of the upcoming Communication of the Commission on the future of digital health and care:
- Citizen’s secure access and sharing of health data across borders: a European Electronic Health Record and,
- European health data infrastructure to advance research, disease prevention, and personalised medicine, and;
- Accelerating deployment of new digitally-enabled care models.
Partners reflected on how they could support these priorities and how the priorities could support them. They also took stock of the achievements so far of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing and reflected on its future shape.
The conference was recorded:
The Conference of Partners of the EIP-AHA is held on a regular basis. This is the 6th Conference of Partners, which brought together regional government representatives from 74 “Reference Sites” for Active and Healthy Ageing as well as researchers, civil society representatives and small and medium enterprises (partners in the 6 Action Groups).
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