Four partners from around Europe: Pannon Business Network Association (Hungary), Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences (Finland), Scottish Enterprise (UK) and ECHAlliance form the consortium of the project CONNECTINGHEALTH which has kicked-off on the 15th of June and will last for 24 months. Cluster Saúde de Galicia (Spain) and Eurasanté (France) are also associated partners of the project. The main goal of the project is to foster interconnected, inclusive innovation ecosystems across Europe and to maximize the value of innovation in the sector of digital health.
CONNECTINGHEALTH is a preparatory action that will result in the development of a joint-long term action plan fostering the collaboration and the creation of common knowledge assets among EU, national, regional and/or local level innovation ecosystems’ stakeholders, enhancing synergies and complementarities of their programmes and encouraging the alignment of their innovation agendas in the area of digital health.
Over the course of the project coordinated by ECHAlliance, the partners will organise a set of multi-stakeholder workshops to develop the scenarios for the future development of digital health market in Europe and beyond in 2030 that will help to explore the current and future opportunities for growth of the digital health sector, and its competitiveness. These will be complemented by the exploration of the three focus areas: “Health for Wealth”, “From traditional to digital health”, “Supporting stakeholders and the extensive landscape mapping” to ensure that all relevant stakeholders are engaged and all relevant opportunities are defined. Based on that, the multi-year programme of activities will be co-developed and validated with the actors from governments, industry, academia and society.
This important project started on 15 June with the online meeting of all partners. All project partners involved gathered to discuss the groundwork to start working in the coming weeks.

During the next weeks, the first futures workshops will be held. All stakeholders from ECHAlliance ecosystems and other networks are invited to take part in the workshops that will be held mainly in the online format.
Stay tuned and follow us on our just launched Twitter and Linkedin accounts!