We invite you to submit your workshop proposal to create discussions and promote new ways of approaching either of the four tracks of the upcoming AAL Forum in Trieste. Workshops should be interactive and motivational sessions and follow the below described thematic areas dedicated to the upcoming Decade of Healthy Ageing.
The AAL Forum will take inspiration from the Decade of Healthy Ageing launched by the WHO in 2020, in order to discuss and exchange on key active & healthy ageing priorities for a collective and collaborative approach in Europe.
The Forum will touch upon some of the main topics put forward by WHO, such as:
- Driving a platform for innovation and change;
- Adapting health and care systems to the changing needs of an ageing population & drawing on the emerging learnings from the Coronavirus outbreak in 2020;
- Promoting Intergenerational Solidarity;
- Make the socio-economic case for impact investment into healthy ageing.
Apply with your workshop by sending your application to: aalforum2021@fondazioneinternazionale.org
Deadline: 26 June 2020
Find the Workshop template by clicking here
Track A: Driving a platform for innovation and change in an ageing society
Fostering Healthy Ageing requires promoting innovation, voluntary knowledge exchange and technology transfer, and attracting resources (people, institutions and financing) to address the major challenges we face today. Development of innovations will require significant strengthening of capacity at system, institutional and individual levels. It will also need greater collaboration across organizations, disciplines and countries.
Inspiration and ideas for your workshop that are relevant to Track A:
- Information Campaigns; for instance national examples of campaigns;
- Online Innovation Communities: discussion on how to build them?
- What can your and our contributions be to such a platform for innovation and change?
- Discussions on not only solutions but also change management itself. How to harness the potential of innovation ecosystems for change (system change)? How to develop local and regional AHA innovation ecosystems?
- Local and regional ecosystem examples;
- Co-creation methods to highlight citizens’ needs and to allow citizens participation in designing services to improve their lives.
- Areas of health and care with a high potential for innovation.
- From basic research to scaling up AHA innovative solutions: examples from the full cycle.
Track B: Adapting health and care systems to the changing needs of an ageing population
As people age, their health and care needs tend to become more complex to manage due to greater risk of chronic diseases. Transformation is needed to re-design health & care systems that ensure affordable access to integrated services that are centred on the needs and rights of older people. Aligning health and care systems is a must to ensure sustainability and access to medical and social services.
Inspiration and ideas for your workshop that are relevant for Track B:
- What can we do in terms of preventive initiatives to relieve the burden on social and care systems, lessons learned; proposals; ideas;
- Non-medical issues: what can we learn from Covid-19? Needs of ageing population in emergencies, examples from regions, for instance, social isolation is such a challenge.
- Accessibility of digital solutions and services during emergencies;
- Highlighting the social and health needs of ageing at national health & care systems;
- Governance approaches towards intersectoral cooperation for well-being: cooperation, accountability of various levels, new governance models;
- Focus on new and improved governance approaches towards intersectoral cooperation for well-being, how to transfer innovation across sectors and levels within countries and across countries?
- Capacity building for health and care professionals;
- Change management at the organisation/individual level.
Track C: Promoting Intergenerational Solidarity
Intergenerational Solidarity has sought its space and acknowledgement within European policy domain for several years and this peaked in 2012, which was the year of “solidarity between generations”. However, the term still does not have one commonly accepted definition. In the aftermath of Covid-19, such a topic could become a part of a broader discussion, including pension schemes, social support; employment policies and more. The question of equality, equal access and solidarity have been especially crucial in containing the public health crisis. What do we want to promote in Europe in the decade of active and healthy ageing when it comes to intergenerational solidarity?
Inspiration and ideas for your workshop that are relevant for Track C:
- Are there any good examples of activities at a national level that can serve as a source for inspiration?
- Cultural intergenerational opportunities;
- Digital literacy;
- Co-housing between generations;
- Can intergenerational solidarity be promoted and facilitated using technology?
- Storytelling and sensemaking;
- Family, community & informal care versus institutionalised care;
- Built environments and their role in fostering intergenerational solidarity.
Track D: Making the socio-economic case for impact investment into healthy ageing
A better understanding of the costs and opportunities of Healthy Ageing is a starting point for sustainable, equitable and effective responses toward ageing societies. Public investment ought to be accompanied by an equal case for industrial innovation in health and care. What is the right balance between public and private? How can the public sector create the conditions for win-win approach where the private foster the innovation that the public sector is seeking for?
Inspiration and ideas for your workshop for Track D:
- Insights on how to make an economic case for solutions, discussing the commercialization paths and the right business models;
- Success stories of countries or regions where implementation at large scale was deployed;
- Looking at the perspective of the investors and the potential of the different markets; regulated or consumer-related.
- How has COVID-19 accelerated the adoption of digital solutions in health care and well-being?
- What are the possible policies promoting incentives for the private sector to ensure that social impact objectives become standard and not only optional?
- Are there new mechanisms to measure social impacts along with profit in the market– new types of marketing models for creative industries based on social impact?
- Strategies to bring together the demand and supply side of the AHA market;
- Engagement of innovative start-ups in the healthcare sector;
- Measuring the impact of healthcare innovations;
- What types of healthy ageing solutions attract investors?
- Public sector tools to invest in innovative health and care solutions.
Remember: The AAL Programme can waive the registration fees and cover the travel and accommodation expenses for some speakers in each session (most probably 2). Places are running out fast. Apply for the workshop Call and be among the first!