The European Commission is launching the call for tenders for the EU blockchain pre-commercial procurement to develop new capabilities for the European Blockchain Service Infrastructure. This procurement is done in relation to the work of the European Blockchain Partnership, a cooperation between the European Commission, all EU Member States and some countries of the European Economic Area.
The EU blockchain pre-commercial procurement supports the development of new capabilities for the future version of the European Blockchain Service Infrastructure (EBSI) to enable the implementation of various use cases with high volume and velocity requirements whist enhancing the sustainability, security, interoperability and robustness aspects. The aim is to go beyond what existing blockchain solutions can offer. PCP progressively selects the best value for money solutions that the market can develop by awarding R&D service contracts to a number of providers in parallel in a phased approach that covers solution design, prototyping, solution development, installation and testing. PCP thus provides a first customer reference for contractors with innovative solutions.