This month we have two great news stories from our Bretagne Ecosystem – Biotech Santé Bretagne The first relates to an Interreg Europe project called INTENCIVE which addresses the societal challenge of ageing society combined with decreasing population in rural and other remote areas. Most interesting is that this also includes partners from our Ecosystems and network including South Ostrobothnia and Malta as well.
Secondly, in order to tackle the COVID-19 crisis Brittany Region and the Agence Régionale de la Santé (ARS), in cooperation with Bretagne Développement Innovation and notably Biotech Santé Bretagne have developed a matchmaking site which gives access to the companies and regional stakeholders offers concerning personal protective equipment in stock or skills, tools available to produce them in Brittany.
Interregional exchange of experiences in the specific field and introduce into their policies of innovative technologies and services in e-health sector. Biotech Santé Bretagne is involved in this project.
INTENCIVE project addresses the societal challenge of ageing society combined with decreasing population in rural and other remote areas. There is a dire need for new, accessible and user friendly models, practices and tools for providing different types of high quality health services accessible to all citizens not depending on their age or place of living. Combining technology to the different phases of service processes with emphasis on the customer orientation means re-thinking and re-planning the health services.
The objective of INTENCIVE project is to improve the implementation of policies and programmes in terms of health technology innovation-driven and customer-oriented health services in the partner regions and influence the ERDF Regional Operational Programs or Regional Strategies.
Partners from five regions conduct interregional exchange of experiences in the specific field and introduce into their policies of innovative technologies and services in e-health sector.
More information here: https://www.interregeurope.eu/intencive/
The joint matchmaking initiative «entreprises unies covid 19 » in Brittany (France):
This platform aims to put companies in relationship with health professionals and to sustain strategic activities in the Covid 19 context.
It was created by the Brittany Region and the Agence Régionale de la Santé (ARS), in cooperation with Bretagne Développement Innovation and notably Biotech Santé Bretagne, particularly involved into this initiative.
The website gives access to the companies and regional stakeholders offers concerning personal protective equipment in stock or skills, tools available to produce them in Brittany.
All the economic regional stakeholders are involved in this platform in order to find solutions.
3 Examples of Companies in Bretagne involved into Covid19 crisis:
1- MAPUI Labs:
MAPUI Labs Company has been managing 2 platforms (MAPUI and HOSPIVILLE) which are deeply involved into the Covid 19 crisis.
2- NG Biotech:
The company was selected within the call for proposals published by the Agence de l’innovation de la défense. The French Ministry of Defence supports the project of Covid 19 blood test developed by NG Biotech.
Delivery of the first monitoring bracelets of Biosency thanks to Asica and Astuaplast:
The start-up located in Rennes, specialized in telemonitoring and prevention of respiratory insufficiency, is accelerating its production of connected bracelets. More: https://www.interregeurope.eu/intencive/news/news-article/8287/3-companies-in-bretagne-involved-into-covid19-crisis/