AITIA Global is proud to support the ‘Global Health Connector’ initiative with the development of an Alliance Member Map.
To further the Digital Health Alliance objectives of global health partnerships and collaboration, the Alliance Member Map brings together contact and location details for all Alliance members (CORAL, CWCDH, ECHAlliance, EUREGHA and EURODIS).
This map can be accessed via the ECHAlliance website or added to any of the Alliance member sites.
Details will be provided for members who wish to add the map to their site, to provide member data updates and to include additional member details.
This is the first step of a larger data initiative to provide a collaborative data platform to support the collective capabilities and goals of the Alliances in tackling health problems from global to country to local levels. An initial focus of this work is COVID-19, a preview can be seen in this video of the COVID-19 Traffic Light Warning System