
ACTIVAGE OpenCall for deployment sites

Published on: 17/04/2019

ACTIVAGE OpenCall for deployment sites
Funding news

600.000€ funding for new deployment sites

Aim: enlarge the ACTIVAGE ecosystem with mature deployment sites (cities, regions), providing IoT based services to their citizens, replicating ACTIVAGE reference use cases and demonstrate the interoperability capabilities of ACTIVAGE’s AIOTES framework.

Objectives of the call 

The main objective of the Second ACTIVAGE Open Call are:

Extend the foot print of ACTIVAGE current 9 Deployment Sites (DS) to 3 new DS in the EU.

Enlarge the ACTIVAGE ecosystem with mature deployment sites (cities, regions), providing IoT based services to their citizens, replicating ACTIVAGE reference use cases and demonstrate the interoperability capabilities of ACTIVAGE’s ACTIVAGE IoT ecosystem suite (AIOTES)  framework.

NDSs to integrate into ACTIVAGE working dynamics contributing to evaluation and evidence creation

NDSs engage into the new born European open IoT for AHA Ecosystem community and help in the propagation of ACTIVAGE values worldwide.

Co-create with NDS the reference model for future expansion of AHA Ecosystem

The call is open to consortia of public and private entities involving demand and supply side and technology providers legally registered in a member state of the European Union or in a Horizon 2020 associated country.

The NDS should have in execution a Program or Project of delivery of Active Ageing services, currently running and serving a population of senior people and caregivers of significant quantity of users.

ACTIVAGE partners are not eligible for funding and cannot be part of a funded project.

Successful applicants who have been awarded funding will be required to sign the ACTIVAGE Third Parties agreement with Fraunhofer-IGD, on behalf of the ACTIVAGE Consortium in order to be able to receive the funds and become third party of the project

Eligibility criteria

Proposals shall be submitted on time (Deadline: June 21st, 2019 at 17:00 CET)

Proposal should be presented by consortia of public and private entities involving demand and supply side and technology providers legally registered in a member state of the European Union or in a Horizon 2020 associated country.

Proposal shall be within the scope of the call, answering one or more of the proposed reference use cases (see appendix A).

Proposed IoT solutions must be based on mature IoT technology (TRL≥6)

The project shall deploy the ACTIVAGE IoT for smart living environment (SLE) ecosystem framework, AIOTES.

Proposal should respect the page limit according to the template.

Existence of an Exploitation Plan that expands beyond the temporal limits of the project.

Compliance with ACTIVAGE Ethics & Privacy guidelines 

Existence of a leading entity representing the demand side as a consortium partner

The proposal must demonstrate the existence of a Program or Project of delivery of Active Ageing services, currently running and serving a senior population and caregivers of significant quantity of users.

To keep the coherence and benchmarking across the existing of DS, expected number of engaged users (elders and caregivers) is between 50 – 100 but in any case, sufficient to provide significance in the assessment of the impact of the proposed solution. Higher number of users will be welcomed.

One entity in the consortium who supply IoT solutions and/or basic technologies and have access to the insights/code of the solutions in order to be adapted to the ACTIVAGE interoperable framework.

The members of the Deployment Site have a common background and experience in piloting the same or similar solutions,

The ambition to scale-up a significant amount of end users in a sustainable way.

The solutions to be tested have clear business models, as well as the relevant stakeholders to execute them,

The solution must be deployed in a geographical area: private space, neighborhood, city or region.

The language of the applications must be in English.

Budget: up to 200.000€ per funded project, with a maximum of 3 projects funded

Deadline: 21st June 2019 

Project duration: 9 months

Interested parties need to register here first on the ActiveAge website here

Submit your application by: 17:00 h (CET) on 21st JUNE 2019

Prepare your applications material and submit them to the Open Call web portal here


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