Public Health Wales, in partnership with the NHS Wales Informatics Service, Swansea University and Social Care Wales have been selected as one of five of The Health Foundation Networked Data Labs. They will receive up to £400,000 over two years to form a community of analysts working on the biggest health and care challenges.

The Health Foundation’s Networked Data Labs is the first of its kind and will provide national and local health system leaders with insights from data to take action in order to improve the UK’s health and care.
The bid was co-ordinated by the Digital Health Ecosystem Wales team and will see partners work together to optimise the use of routine data to address health, prevention and inequalities across generations, and produce valuable insights to inform decision to improve population health in Wales.
In addition to the Networked Data Lab in Wales, there will a further four Networked Data Labs around the UK:
- The Aberdeen Centre for Health Data Science (ACHDS) which includes NHS Grampian and the University of Aberdeen
- Imperial College Health Partners (ICHP), Institute of Global Health Innovation (IGHI), Imperial College London (ICL), and North West London CCGs
- Liverpool CCG, Healthy Wirral Partnership and Citizens Advice Bureau
- Leeds CCG and Leeds City Council
Find out more about the Networked Data Labs.
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