On November 24-25, 2021, Caritas Coimbra held the 4th Inter-regional Policy Learning Meeting of the EU_SHAFE project. The meeting focused on the WHO Domain 4, Health and Community Services. Due to ongoing travel restrictions, the meeting took place in a hybrid format with the participation of more than 20 EU_SHAFE project partners, from the Basque Country, Slovenia, Ireland, Germany, the Netherlands and Denmark, and stakeholders from the Central Region of Portugal.
During the event, the partners attending the meeting had the opportunity of visiting 2 good practices selected by Caritas Coimbra or the EU_SHAFE project.
The first one, related to the accessibility and sustainability domain, has been the electric bus “Pantufinhas” on which the participants had the opportunity to travel and being confronted with the reality of older people who live in the city’s historic centre. Participants experienced the difficulty that these residents would have without the support of this urban transport line. On the 25th, the Autonomous Homes in Pinhal, good practice belonging to the housing and infrastructure domain, was visited. Pinhal is a village for seniors where older adults live autonomously thanks to the social care and support services provided.
Overall, the 4th EU_SHFE Inter-regional Policy Learning Meeting has been crucial for the exchange of inter-regional learning in age-friendly environments. The work sessions were key to helping the consortium in the activities foreseen in the second phase of the project in which partners have to deliver an action plan resulting from these learning experiences.
Event’s presentation: https://www.interregeurope.eu/fileadmin/user_upload/tx_tevprojects/library/file_1642767298.pdf
Event’s press release: www.interregeurope.eu/fileadmin/user_upload/tx_tevprojects/library/file_1642767198.pdf