Interprofessional Education for Capacity Building in Digital Health

Interprofessional Education for Capacity Building in Digital Health

Starts at:

Thursday, 19 November 2020 - 14:00

Ends at:​

Thursday, 19 November 2020 - 15:00

Interprofessional Education for Capacity Building in Digital Health

Organized by the European Federation for Medical Informatics and the European Society for Emergency Medicine

The objective of the session is the reflect on the educational instruments needed to build capacity in digital health in Europe with acceleration of digitization in the health and social care sector. ECHAlliance will update on progress of the joint statement on Interprofessional education. The aspects of mobility, collaboration and exchange in the field of life-long interprofessional education across Europe will be highlighted as EFMI and EUSEM will discuss their strategic plans for cooperation in the area of education as a way of supporting the recommendations of the upcoming the joint statement on profiling and training the healthcare workers of the future.

Preliminary Program

  • Catherine Chronaki, HL7 Europe, VP, EFMI: Opening remarks
  • Opening Keynote: The changing education landscape in digital health in Germany and across Europe: the role of EFMI, Professor Alfred Winter, Leipzig University, Secretary EFMI, President GMDS

Panel: Reflecting on educational initiatives in digital health: State of Play across Europe:

  • Natalia Allegretti (ECHAlliance) reflects on the EUHPP Thematic Network ‘Profiling and training the healthcare workers of the future’ and on the ‘Erasmus+ DISH – Digital & Innovation Skills Helix in Health project’.
  • John Mantas (EFMI AC2 Committee) reflects on the Accreditation and Certification Work in EFMI and the survey BMHI programs in the European Union.
  • Luis Garcia Castrillo (EUSEM) addresses interprofessional education speaking on the work of the European Society of Emergency Medicine (EUSEM) with EFMI on chief complaint and minimal data sets.

Discussion will follow engaging the audience

  • Closing remarks, Catherine Chronaki


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