Deep dive into the GM Care Record – Connecting health & care across Greater Manchester. The next Greater Manchester Connected Health Ecosystem will be held virtually on Tuesday 26th April from 13:00 to 15:00 UK time.
Health and care organisations across Greater Manchester have accelerated the deployment of the GM Care Record for all 2.8m citizens to provide frontline professionals with vital information in the fight against COVID-19.
The GM Care Record allows workers in health or social care, easy access to patient information that is critical to support decision-making about patient care and treatment. It is being used to access over 140k patient records by over 13.5k frontline users each month (Dec. 2021) and connects over 500 organisations including primary and secondary care, mental health and community trusts, out of hours services, specialist trusts, social care and the region’s ambulance service.
This event brings together different perspectives from clinical, academia, industry and the GM health and care system to showcase the work that has gone in to creating the GM Care Record and the benefits this will bring to the care and treatment of the citizens of Greater Manchester in future.
13.00 -13.05: Niels Peek (Professor of Health Informatics, The University of Manchester): Introduction and opening remarks.
13.05 – 13.20: Guy Lucchi (Digital Innovation Director, Health Innovation Manchester): Background to the rollout GMCR in response to COVID-19 and its future role in the development of the ICS.
13.20 – 13.35: Dr. Paula Bennett (Chief Nurse/CNIO, Health Innovation Manchester): The clinical difference the GM Care Record is making on the frontline and its role in clinical pathway transformation.
13.35 – 13.40: Prof. Niels Peek: Beyond direct care – the GM Care Record and population health research.
13.40 – 13.50: Dr Richard Williams (Senior Software Engineer, NIHR Greater Manchester Patient Safety Translational Research Centre, University of Manchester): How deidentified data from the GM Care Record is used to support research in GM.
13.50 – 14.00: TBA
14.00 – 14.10: Darryl Davies (Product Director Population Health, Graphnet): The industry partner view – why and how this has happened in Greater Manchester and how Graphnet have supported the development of the GM Care Record.
14.10 – 14.25: Questions from the online audience and panel discussion.
15.00: Niels Peek: Closing remarks.
ECHAlliance The Global Health Connector: Connecting the dots between people, knowledge and innovation
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