Greater Manchester Connected Health Ecosystem

Greater Manchester Connected Health Ecosystem

Starts at:

Thursday, 10 February 2022 - 14:00

Ends at:​

Thursday, 10 February 2022 - 18:00

Greater Manchester Connected Health Ecosystem

The next GM Connected Health Ecosystem will be held virtually on Thursday 10th February 2022, 13.00 – 15.00 UK time on the topic of “How the Pandemic has Sparked Innovations and New Partnerships”.

The pandemic has impacted nearly every aspect of lives and has turned most industries and organisations upside down amidst the threat from COVID-19. However, in times of uncertainty comes the opportunity to innovate, deliver new ways of working and achieve long-lasting change beyond the immediate challenges presented by the pandemic.

Health and care is no exception and innovation has been at the heart of how Greater Manchester has managed the demands placed on it due to the pandemic – whether this is through the use of new digital technology to manage demand on services, or forging new partnerships between clinical, academic and industry worlds.

The latest in our series of events will explore these themes and demonstrate some of new innovations and partnerships that have been created during the pandemic that will deliver long-lasting change to our ecosystem.


13.00 – 13.05     Introduction
Prof.Ben Bridegwater (CEO, Health Innovation Manchester) 

 13.05 – 13.25     Digital transformation of health and care in response to the pandemic
Prof. Ben Bridgewater (CEO Health Innovation Manchester)

 13.25 – 13.30     ECHAlliance Network Update
Andy Bleaden, Director Ecosystems and Membership, ECHAlliance

 13.30 – 13.50     
Jack Williams, Better

 13.50 – 14.10     Social care data analysis and advice
Ian Hall (Professor of Mathematical Epidemiology and Statistics, The University of Manchester)

 14.10 – 14.30     eLab health data science workbench: collaborative research and teaching in a pandemic
John Ainsworth (Professor of Health Informatics, University of Manchester)

 14.30 – 14.50    Digital access to primary care in GM during the pandemic and beyond
Steve Boyle, Programme Director – Health Innovation Manchester

 15.00 Close


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