Brian O’Connor will participate on the session “Paving the way towards health systems transformation: reinforce the regional ecosystem” at 14:35hrs
While the COVID-19 pandemic is still on-going, it is tie to build on the lessons learned from the emergency and to start re-designing the health and social care systems of the future. One of the key aspects will be to ensure the resilience of the health and social care systems. This means that we must improve their capacity to foresee, absorb and adapt to shocks, sustain operations, resume optimal performance, and transform structures and functions.
Health and care systems are complex and to ensure their profound transformation we need to work parallel on several matters: healthcare workforce, community carers, medical products, infrastructures, technology, governance, and leadership.
Regional and local health authorities have been working on the transformation of the health and social care systems over the years to promote this shift towards a sustainable approach that leaves no one behind, especially the most vulnerable groups. Many innovations, both in terms of policies and services, are happening at territorial level: Value-Based healthcare, integrated care, eHealth, reform of the primary care, and cross-border cooperation in the health field, to name only a few. Yet there is the need to scale-up this knowledge at the EU level and to reinforce governance and leadership at all the government levels.
To discuss tools and strategies to ensure this transformation, EUREGHA’s Annual Conference will bring together regional policy makers, researchers, EU civil servants and representatives of the health eco-systems.
13.50-14.00 | Connection to Zoom platform |
14.00-14.05 | Welcome and introduction from the moderator Nick Batey, Chair of EUREGHA |
14.05-14.20 | What is the future of our health and social care systems after the COVID-19 pandemic? Prof. Jan De Maeseneer, Chair of the European Commission Expert Panel on Effective Ways of Investing in Health |
14.20-14.35 | How to face future pandemics in an effective way? – The PERISCOPE project Prof. Andrea Renda, Senior Research Fellow CEPS, Strategy Director PERISCOPE project – Pan-European Response to the ImpactS of COVID-19 and future Pandemics and Epidemics |
14.35-15.30 | Paving the way towards health systems transformation: reinforce the regional ecosystem Brian O’Connor, Chair of the European Connected Health Alliance Ana Carriazo, Senior Advisor at the Ministry of Health of Andalusia, Reference Site Collaborative Network Solvejg Wallyn, Policy Officer at Flemish Community – Agency Care and Public Health Giovanni Gorgoni, CEO of the Agenzia Regionale Strategica per la Salute e il Sociale Puglia, Italy Andrea Pavlickova, International Engagement Manager at TEC and Digital Healthcare Innovation, Scottish Government |
15:30-15:45 | Q&A |
15.45-16.00 | Closure Remarks Maya Matthews, Head of Unit B1 Performance of Health Systems, DG SANTE – European Commission |
ECHAlliance The Global Health Connector: Connecting the dots between people, knowledge and innovation
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