

Starts at:

Wednesday, 30 November 2022 - 08:15

Ends at:​

Wednesday, 30 November 2022 - 16:30


DigiFest22 combines a programme of free-to-attend, virtual and in-person satellite sessions now underway. Register for individual satellite sessions (virtual) or to join (virtually) the Hybrid event on the 30th of November 2022. The satellite sessions are coordinated by a range of stakeholders in the Scottish digital health, housing and care ecosystem. The themes and related topics for DigiFest22 reflect current priorities relating to digital health, housing and care.

The Scottish Government’s Digital Health and Care Directorate is working with our Steering Group partners and the European Connected Health Alliance to deliver DigiFest22, a Scottish Digital Health and Care Ecosystem learning event.

The DigiFest programme will feature Scottish, UK and International examples of digitally enabled services being deployed across a range of health, care, and home settings.
The DigiFest22 steering group organisations are:
• The Scottish Government’s Digital Health and Care and Digital Directorate
• The Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre
• The Health and Social Care Alliance
• The Coalition of Care and Support Providers in Scotland
• BCS Health & Care (Scotland)
• Digital Office for Scottish Local Government
• The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations
• Scottish Development International

DigiFest22 will combine a programme of free-to-attend, virtual and in-person satellite sessions, from October 2022, and a one-day in-person event on Wednesday 30 November 2022. The satellite sessions will be coordinated by the Steering Group members and other stakeholders in the Scottish digital health, housing and care ecosystem.

The one-day in-person conference on 30 November 2022 is taking place at the University of Strathclyde, Technology & Innovation Centre, Glasgow and will be launched by Mr. Humza Yousaf, the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care and Cllr. Paul Kelly, Social Care and the COSLA Spokesperson for Health and Social Care.

The conference programme for 20 November will be published soon.

To facilitate greater access at this year’s event, the content from the auditorium and a number of the breakout sessions will be accessible live online. All the content will be recorded and made available following the event.

When you register for the event on 30 November, we will ask you to indicate whether you are planning to attend in-person or, virtually.


The themes and related topics for DigiFest22 reflect current priorities relating to digital health, housing and care ​and will consider the role, impact and challenges for digital health and care in relation to these cross-cutting themes:

  • Sustainability – making change sustainable in digitally enabled services 
  • Integration and collaboration
  • How digitally enabled services can support recovery and reform
  • Empowering individuals and communities

The programme for 30 November will feature Scottish, UK and International examples of digitally enabled services. The content will be a mix of panel discussions, workshops, posters and keynote presentations. 

The event on 30 November will also feature a poster exhibition. Successful posters will be displayed at the event and online using the Learning Toolbox ePoster showcase. You can check out the 2021 ePoster Showcase to see how this looked. To find out more and submit a poster abstract please select Abstract Submission from the panel on the left side of this screen.

We are delighted to welcome back in-person exhibitors to the event. Please check out our exhibitor information and sponsorship document by selecting Book and Exhibition Stand.


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