
Spain - Basque Health Ecosystem

Basque Health Cluster, BHC, is the association for the bioscience and health sector in the Basque Country, one of the main health hubs in Southern Europe.
Spain – Basque Health Ecosystem

Country based:


The Cluster leads the healthcare and life sciences ecosystem in the Basque Country, bringing together organisations that develop products and services to improve people’s health and quality of life. Its main objective is to coordinate, represent, manage, promote and defend the common interests of its member companies, with the aim of transforming science and technology into regional economic growth and improving the quality of life of the society.


The Basque Health Cluster’s mission is to contribute to the development, growth and internationalisation of associated companies through the configuration of a differential value proposal that drives their competitive improvement, promotes dynamic cooperation between the different agents in the field of Biosciences and Health in the Basque Country and encourages interaction with other sectors.

Key Links

Basque Health Cluster website





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Ecosystem Coordinators

Idoia Muñoz Lizán

Managing Director of Basque Health Cluster

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