





H2020 (GRANT AGREEMENT NO. 875215)


1 January 2019
31 May 2024

ValueCare aims to deliver personalised integrated (health and social) care services, better outcomes for older people, improved care experience and improve the satisfaction of health and social service providers. It also proposes greater efficiency in the use of resources and coordination of care in a setting that ensures trust of users and policy makers about data access, protection and sharing and standardisation that can be replicated in EU. The project’s multidisciplinary consortium includes stakeholders from the whole supply chain of the digital health and social care environment in order to maximize its chances of success.


Scope and objectives

ValueCare’s vision of healthy ageing is that any older individual in society can live the best life possible according to what they value, facilitated by access to high quality, person-centred, evidence-based and affordable health and social care services, supported by strong and integrated health and social services. ValueCare partners believe that taking an “enhanced value-based approach” (including not only health but also life style and social care in the concept of value-based care) supported by secure and robust digital technologies will help to achieve this. In addition, the project also takesinto account the job satisfaction and the wellbeing of the health and social service providers.

With a total budget of more than 6 million euros, ValueCare project aims to deliver efficient outcome-based integrated (health and social) care to older people facing cognitive impairment, frailty and multiple chronic health conditions in order to improve their quality of life (and of their families) as well as the sustainability of the health and social care systems in Europe.

Building on the “value-based health & social care” approach, ValueCare will develop a robust, secure and scalable digital solution to integrate both health and social care and conduct efficient, outcome-based delivery of integrated care solutions to older people in 7 large scale pilots in Europe.



Led by the Erasmus Medical Centre (NL), the project consortium is composed by the Bruno Kessler Foundation (IT), Vodafone Innovus (EL), Vidavo (EL), Caritas Diocesana de Coimbra (PT), Azienda ULSS n.2 Marca Trevigiana (IT), Istituto per Servizi di Ricovero ed Assistenza agli Anziani (IT), University of Rijeka, Faculty of (HR), Polibienestar Research Institute (ES), Athens Medical Center (EL), Valencia City Council Innovation Foundation (ES), University College Dublin (IE), ΕCHAlliance (IE), Alliance for integrated Care (EL), AGE Platform Europe (BE), International Foundation for Integrated Care (NL), Senior Europa (ES).



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